var Dtf = Dtf || {}; Dtf.ResourcesList = { js : { 'users' : 'Users' , 'imageeditortitle' : 'Image editor' , 'multiselect_in' : 'Is in the liste' , 'multiselect_out' : 'Is not in the list' , 'delete' : 'Delete' , 'countpopulation' : 'Count population' , 'number_equal' : 'Equal' , 'number_greater' : 'Greater than' , 'number_greaterorequal' : 'Greater than or equal' , 'number_less' : 'Less than' , 'number_lessorequal' : 'Less than or equal' , 'string_equal' : 'Equal' , 'string_in' : 'In' , 'string_out' : 'Not in' , 'string_startwith' : 'Start with' , 'string_endwith' : 'End with' , 'string_dontstartwith' : 'Don\u0027t start with' , 'string_dontendwith' : 'Don\u0027t end with' , 'boolean_true' : 'True' , 'boolean_false' : 'False' , 'string_different' : 'Not equal' , 'median' : 'Median' , 'yourposition' : 'Your position' , 'average' : 'Average' , 'linkeditortitle' : 'Add a link or a tracking link' , 'customimgmanagertooltip' : 'Picture manager' , 'customlinkmanagertooltip' : 'Link manager' , 'email' : 'Email' , 'phonenumber' : 'Phone number' , 'jobtitle' : 'Job Title' , 'seeuser' : 'See the user' , 'resultsummary' : 'On the KPI \u003cspan class=\u0027kpi-name\u0027\u003e{0}\u003c/span\u003e, you are ranked \u003cspan class=\u0027title-blue\u0027\u003e{1} / {2}\u003c/span\u003e' , 'choicepointsale' : 'Select a point of sale' , 'nodatamassactionerror' : 'Select one or more user before lauching the action' , 'selectmassactionerror' : 'You must select a mass action before launching it' , 'nodatainranking' : 'There are no data to display' , 'showallnotifications' : 'See all notifications' , 'nouserselected' : 'You must select at least one user before launching the action.' , 'selectall' : 'Select all' , 'allselected' : 'All selected' , 'filetoobigerror' : 'The selected file is too big.' , 'forgetselectresponsable' : 'You must select a responsible.' , 'dynamicparametertitleselect' : 'Select' , 'maxlengthmassactionerror' : 'You have selected to many users, the max selected value is 170 users to launch a mass action.' , 'erroroccured' : 'A error occured, sorry for that, you could create a ticket in support section, with the element generate the error.' , 'fullname' : 'Full name' , 'username' : 'User login name' , 'isconfirmed' : 'Confirmed' , 'lastlogindate' : 'Last login date' , 'creationdate' : 'Created date' , 'errorlaunchappprotocol' : 'Protocol mode launch error' , 'passwordstrength' : 'Password strength' , 'weakpassword' : 'Weak' , 'averagepassword' : 'Average' , 'goodpassword' : 'Good' , 'strongpassword' : 'Strong' , 'exporttoexcelbuttonlabel' : 'XLS Export' , 'weakestpassword' : 'Very weak' , 'noneselected' : 'no selection' , 'jpgorpngformaterror' : 'Invalid file format' , 'errorfirstlaunchappprotocol' : 'Launch protocol error' , 'synergyupdatealllaunched' : 'The synchronization for all companies is in progess' , 'phonenumberlengtherrormessage' : 'The phone lenght is in error' } , common : { 'españa' : 'Spain' , 'france' : 'France' , 'italia' : 'Italia' , 'türkiye' : 'Turkey' , 'portugal' : 'Portugal' , 'usa' : 'USA' , 'polska' : 'Polska' , 'românia' : 'Romania' , 'belgique' : 'Belgium' , 'limittocountry' : 'Limited to the country' , 'edit' : 'Edit' , 'add' : 'Add' , 'delete' : 'Delete' , 'undo' : 'Cancel' , 'save' : 'Save' , 'back' : 'Back' , 'duplicate' : 'Duplicate' , 'validatebutton' : 'Validate' , 'informations' : 'Informations' , 'true' : 'True ' , 'false' : 'False ' , 'validate' : 'Validate' , 'send' : 'Send' , 'addpicture' : 'Add a picture' , 'requiredmessage' : 'This field is mandatory.' , 'emailnextstep' : 'Next step' , 'savedone' : 'Save done' , 'country' : 'Country' , 'details' : 'See results' , 'viewpassword' : 'See password' , 'deleteconfirm' : 'Delete confirmation ' , 'search' : 'Search' , 'clear' : 'Clear criterias' , 'no' : 'No' , 'refresh' : 'Refresh' , 'selectall' : 'Select all entities' , 'selectresponsible' : 'Select responsible' , 'accept' : 'OK' , 'requiredfield' : 'This field is mandatory' , 'confirm' : 'OK' , 'show' : 'Show' , 'createddate' : 'Creation date' , 'createdby' : 'Created by' , 'passwordinittext' : 'Please enter a new password and validate it. The password must be at least 6 characters long.\nTo be secure, your password must contain four different types of characters: upper-case letters, lower-case letters, digits and punctuation marks or special characters ( #, !, ? etc.). ' , 'sendticket' : 'Send to support' , 'monday' : 'Monday' , 'tuesday' : 'Tuesday' , 'wednesday' : 'Wednesday' , 'thursday' : 'Thursday' , 'friday' : 'Friday' , 'saturday' : 'Saturday' , 'sunday' : 'Sunday' , 'nodealerfound' : 'As the company is not a point of sales, there is no data to display.' , 'allsites' : 'All sites' , 'errorlaunchprotocol' : 'You must connect to your session to open your DMS, if this page doesn\u0027t disapear after few second. ' , 'clicktoinstall' : 'Click to install the protocol' , 'policytext' : 'We use cookies to optimise your use of our site. If you continue to use the site, we consider that you have accepted the use of cookies.' , 'errorlaunchprotocolclick' : 'Click Me if the application not launched' , 'addfile' : 'Attach file(s)' , 'weakpassword' : 'Your password is not sufficiently secure. Please enter a different password.' , 'submit' : 'Submit' , 'exportxls' : 'Excel export' , 'suggestions' : 'Suggestions' , 'titresuggestion' : 'Do you have a suggestion for improvement? Let us know your need.' , 'sujetsuggestion' : 'Subject' , 'phrasesuggestion' : 'Thanks to write your suggestion here ...' , 'suggestionfieldsrequired' : 'Thanks to enter a subject and a suggestion before sending' , 'monaco' : 'Monaco' , 'norecords' : 'No result found' , 'maroc' : 'Marocco' , 'filename' : 'Name' , 'textebn' : 'Use' , 'confidentialpolicytext' : 'Thanks you to note our data privacy policy' , 'resetpasswordplaceholder' : 'Password' , 'passwordinitafterreset' : 'Reset password' , 'alreadynotify' : 'Notified' , 'firstname' : 'Firstname' , 'lastname' : 'Lastname' , 'username' : 'User name' , 'compagnyname' : 'Compagny Name' , 'holding' : 'Holding' , 'ligne' : 'Line' , 'type' : 'Type' , 'notify' : 'Notify' , 'contactus' : 'Contact' , 'close' : 'Close' , 'usertitle' : 'User Title' , 'email' : 'E-mail' , 'yes' : 'Yes' , 'replace' : 'Update' , 'tags' : 'TAGS' , 'title' : 'Title' , 'updatedate' : 'Updated date' , 'finalize' : 'Finalize creation' , 'startoverprocess' : 'Start over process' , 'startthisprocessover' : 'Restart' , 'startallprocessoversuccess' : 'Relaunch of all succeful process' , 'startallprocessover' : 'Restart all' , 'newtagfound' : 'New tag' , 'startthisprocessoversuccess' : 'Relaunch the succesful process' , 'noprocessonerror' : 'No process in error found' , 'suggestionsend' : 'Your suggestion has been send, thank you for it.' , 'deletesurveysuccess' : 'Survey deleted' , 'linkcopied' : 'Link copied' , 'days' : 'Day' , 'saveaspdf' : 'PDF export' , 'weeks' : 'Week' , 'months' : 'Month' , 'years' : 'Year' , 'brands' : 'Brands' , 'applications' : 'Applications' , 'kendocontains' : 'Contain' , 'allselected' : 'All' , 'document' : 'Document' , 'faq' : 'FAQ' , 'textcontent' : 'Text' , 'video' : 'Video' , 'invalidsynergycode' : 'Synergy code not valid' , 'activate' : 'Activate' , 'desactrivate' : 'Desactivate' , 'deactivate' : 'Deactivate' , 'linkpage' : 'Add link' , 'limitedto50' : 'Too many results found, refine your search criterias using filters ' } };